Our teachers shape us academically and also influence us. We are bound to meet new mentors through time to teach us more knowledge. Today, we gladly welcome the four new teachers to the family of Christian Legacy.

Royal Tribune feels honored to introduce the variety of subjects and the different backgrounds of each Royal teacher, which has brought them to where they are today.

Miss Ginger De Guia, Christian Legacy’s new addition to the Art and Design Faculty!
Back in college, Miss Ginger's favorite subject was child psychology which contributed to her desire for her profession as a teacher. Her mission is not for you to only learn from the lessons she may enrich you with, but also for you to learn holistically.
She wants her students not to view time with her as a momentary lesson, but to aim to have a long-term goal. As an art teacher, she dedicates a part of her day to searching for inspirations that will motivate her with her craft. She also seeks and spends time with God. Confidence, strength, and renewedness for the day is what she feels when she is with God.
Miss Ginger sees the importance of having a quiet time after waking up early. She enjoys her own peace by taking time to read story books or the Bible.
Aside from her relaxation in serenity, Ms. Ginger has a passion for working out just like many of us! You may even schedule a virtual workout session together as a gift for the upcoming teacher’s day!
So, fellow Royals, let’s go and look forward to meeting Miss Ginger. You will for sure get inspired!

Miss Camille Mar is currently teaching all preschool subjects in Christian legacy, what a superwoman right? She is hoping that one day, she will be able to teach high school students as well.
Back in High school, Miss Camille's favorite subjects are History and Science. These are subjects that require GRIT which reflects in the number of subjects she is now teaching.
Miss Camille, as an educator, wants to be a friend to her students, but when needed, she will be strict.
Apart from being a full-time teacher, Miss Camille's day of relaxation begins when there is nothing to do, like checking or marking a student's paperwork. She also appreciates watching Netflix movies.
Miss Camille dedicates a part of her day to a quiet time with God. This quiet time with God involves Ms. Camille, the Lord, and her special "pink" bible! Now we all know what her favorite color is.
Royals must look forward to the fun games Ms. Camille has planned out for the school year, and most importantly, her high-spirited personality. You are sure to feed off her energy!

Miss Rizza Jane, Christian Legacy’s recent blessing to the preschool sector and the grades 4 to 6 Royal students!
Subjects that Miss Rizza was attracted to in high school were Math and Home economics. That was because of the prizes she could receive in Math classes and creating many new things in home economics.
Miss Rizza loves hands-on activities, and that is one thing Royals can look forward to in her classes. She will teach them how to manipulate things with their hands, and they may even experience the thrill she has for these activities!
When Miss Rizza is not in the virtual classroom with her students, she is a faithful daughter of God and a selfless loving mother. When she has extra time on her hands, she relaxes by watching Netflix and possibly drinking her favorite milk tea!
Like some of us, Miss Rizza is also an extrovert, and it was hard for her to not be able to meet friends to hang out and travel. However, it also paved the way to connect with her family and God on a deeper level.
Miss Rizza emphasized her dependence on God’s word, and this is one of the many things we may learn from her: be reminded of your identity in God.
Be excited for more lessons with Miss Rizza. You may even ask her what the sugar level of her milk tea is!

Miss April Jane, with three months of experience in teaching, Christian Legacy is honored to be here for the start of her journey as she teaches Science and Arts.
If recess is considered a subject, that would be Ms. Jane's favorite in high school. I am quite sure we can relate to that.
Ms. Jane has a passion for teaching students, and it being one of her strengths, she wants the Royal students to learn how the world behaves through enrichment. She expressed that students are capable of learning a lot, even the little things.
In life, we all constantly learn, no matter our age or circumstance. Ms. Jane is a testament to that. As she teaches, she learns with her students. It enhances her ability in certain subjects that she is teaching.
As a guiding teacher and faithful daughter of God, the short breaks between classes is a time Ms. Jane uses to speak to God, and she asks him for guidance regarding what may happen in the next lesson.
Just like our other teachers, Miss Jane holds on dearly to the word of God. When uncertainties come along, she always remembers that God will never leave her. All she has to do is keep her faith in him.
It is such a blessing to get to know our God-fearing, hardworking, and excellent new teachers. We wish you Godspeed with your journey in Chritian Legacy!