We are mostly surrounded by people who have the same interests as us. People similar to us are bound to like the same things as us, take for example social media. Social media is a platform for everyone to connect, but what do we do if other people aren’t fond of that?

Usually, when we meet our friends we ask for their username on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and other social media platforms. Instead of being given a username, what if we get the response, "Sorry, I don't have social media?" That response is usually perceived as normal at our age, but why is it that we don't pop the question; "Why not?".
People often use social media as a form of entertainment simply because it has everything! What are you looking for? Music, podcasts, pictures, videos, random vlogs? You got it! If you can name it, you will be redirected to what you’ve searched for. It’s basically one click away, so why is it that we get confused at others who don't have these?
In spark of our curiosity to see why others are inactive in social media platforms, we have interviewed 2 of our fellow Royals. Meet Kadien Mejia, a Grade 8 student, and Joshua Habos, a Grade 12 student.
Their feelings towards social media are different compared to most of us. They are very neutral towards the topic and don’t care that much about what’s going on online. They think it is simply a form of entertainment for others but not something they would be engaging in on a daily basis.
To summarize, they are indifferent when it concerns social media. Although, it isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Everyone likes different things! It just isn’t their cup of tea.
However, what do people use as a form of entertainment aside from social media? These two royals enjoy themselves really well without the help of social media.
Joshua enjoys his time by playing video games, watching YouTube, reading, and writing. They’re all so fun to do!
Kadien, on the other hand, enjoys her free time by listening to music, dancing, and drawing.
How delightful! Joshua and Kadien have proved that there are lots of fun things to do without social media. Next time we take a social media break let’s try doing these activities.
Even with the absence of social media, they can still keep up with the latest trends. How? A way for them to know is through their friends. Social media is everywhere, so that means these Royals are bound to know about these trends. They may be inactive on social media, but they for sure don't live under a rock!
Previously, we have stated that to them, social media is a form of entertainment. Well, that isn’t the full story.
To elaborate, social media also helps their users promote themselves and their businesses. Some people think that, at this rate, social media will become a necessity. However, these two Royals beg to differ.
Joshua doesn’t agree because he thinks, “Real social interactions are more valuable.” It really gives you a connection with the person you are talking to, and it can help your judgment on whether or not to trust this person.
Kadien says that, “Necessity may not be the proper word. It’ll just be a tool to help us progress further. “
Thanks to the two wonderful people we have interviewed, we were able to have a look into the lives and perspective of people who are inactive on social media. Now, we have a better understanding that social media isn't our whole world. We don't live in a world of pixels and binary codes. While social media is a part of our world, there's the rest of the world out there around us. Maybe some off-screen time is needed so that we can set our eyes on what really is our world.