2023 Family Day
Family day is a special day set aside to celebrate the importance of family and relationships that we have in Christian Legacy. CL’s Family Day Sportsfest was truly a day to remember, as it was filled with all sorts of fun activities not just for the students but for the parents & relatives as well!
Our joyous day started with a parade in which the four courts presented their banners and showed camaraderie and sportsmanship. The Royal Court teams of Sapphire, Sterling, Primrose and Tyrian were all in their team colors parading with their banners.
The parade was followed by our headmistress Ms. Joy Muleta giving a welcome speech as well as leading us in prayer.

After the morning introductions were over, we were greeted by CL’s Dance Group featuring: Zaby Emperador, KD Mejia, Sophie Dimdam, Nina Bautista, Elianna Sta. Agueda, and Rei Sorita! They gave such a hyped and energetic performance to start the event with a bang!
It was now officially time to start the Royal Games!

First was the “counting game” wherein the parents and students were gathered in a circle and had to count at random but they couldn't shout the same number at the same time or else the game was over.
It was a close match between the courts but Primrose won in the end.
The next activity was “Blanket Volleyball” where each team was given a huge blanket and a volleyball. The objective of the game was to toss the ball over the net where the opposing team had to catch it.
The four courts had to battle it out and the game was intense. It was an intense battle till finally the last two courts battled it out.
Sapphire and Primrose had an intense and long rally for the whole duration of the game battling for the win and it ended with Sapphire as triumphant!

Everything had been building up to this point that made everyone anticipate the next games which were the 3v3 Basketball and the much awaited Mythical 6 vs Parents & Teachers.
Finally, Individual MVP and Team Championships were announced. Different teams were champions for Bowling, Basketball, Volleyball and Tyrian but Sapphire took this year’s Family Day Champion Cup! Hoorah to the Champions and good job to all of the teams!
Everyone was still united and enjoyed the rest of the moment during the event. This shows that even in competition, Christian Legacy still remains family.
