Back in 1990, a blockbuster hit was released in the form of “Home Alone”. It became a Christmas classic for children all over the world. The film features eight-year-old Kevin played by Macaulay Culkin, who was being neglected by his rambunctious family before they accidentally left him behind, causing this young child to “arm the house” in order to protect himself and his family’s house from two burglars by using complicated contraptions.
Now that we’ve talked about the original movie let’s now talk about this quasi-remake called “Home Sweet Home Alone”. Instead of getting cartoonishly clumsy robbers and evil laughs who made it easy for everyone to laugh at their downfall, Disney instead gave us a married couple who just wanted to save their house by selling a doll that’s worth a fortune, and in order to sell the doll they had to get it back from our main character who stole it from them in the first place!
Instead of confronting the child Max, the couple decided to just break into the house in order to get it back. which then led to Max setting up elaborate contraptions and traps in order to stop them. Now with the first movie it was easy to laugh at the burglars but with this film I couldn't help but feel sorry for the two. Especially since Max was pretty much a brat during the entire film.
“Home Alone” is a classic Christmas film that children and adults enjoy watching during the holidays and this remake of the classic film just doesn't have the same charm and doesn't deliver as well as its predecessors I would give it a 4/10.