Christmas Greetings to all!
In a few more days it will be our most awaited Christmas Show. As part of the celebration, Christian Legacy beats as one with you as we joyously watch the student’s performance on stage and on screen.
Tickets are now available. You can purchase and pay online or onsite.
Also please see photos of this year’s CL Merch for sale to raise funds for our scholars. You may now place your order by contacting our office and looking for our admin assistant, Jocelyn Castillo, or email sir Rique Niez at finance@christinlegacyph.com.
Lastle, we encourage sponsors to help us with the fundraising.
Bronze Sponsor: P2,000
1 complimentary ticket and your name acknowledged in our social media page
Silver Sponsor: P5,000
2 complimentary tickets (VIP seats) and acknowledgement of name and business logo in our social media FB page
Gold Sponsor: P10,000
4 complimentary VIP tickets (VIP seats), full one digital post (with name or business logo) in our social media FB page and acknowledgement during the musical event
Platinum Sponsor: P25k
5 complimentary tickets (VIP seats), full one digital post (with name or business logo) in our social media FB page, opportunity to promote business (20 seconds video loop promotion) during the announcements, and major sponsorship acknowledgement
See you all at the event. Have a Merry Christmas!