What better way to welcome 2022 than with a BANG?! Not only by preparing feasts, clanging pot covers, or blowing party horns (torotot) but also by making an impact on your life this year! The new year is not just about banquets or gifts. It’s a phase for recreation of opportunities as we close a chapter of our lives. That said, it is a tradition to make new year’s resolutions as we have empty pages yet to be filled - a chance to make this year special. Taking one step to make this year special, the students shared their perspectives on how their new year's resolution went.

“To create memories and deepen relationships with my family”.
These touching remarks are from Kate Talban and Elianna Sta. Agueda. I bet we could all agree that time is fleeting and it is important to spend it with those who we love the most. Unraveling this year together with our family makes this year even more special and enchanting.
“I would start eating healthy and exercise more.”
This is from our anonymous respondent, though most of the respondents’ answers are related to their health. Ironic that it is the most common goal yet the most discontinued one. With the pandemic going on, I hope we will all be responsible for our health throughout 2022! Adding to that is Elianna’s goal, “To end this year yet again with everyone safe, healthy, and happy,” which we can take inspiration from.
“Better sleep”
This short yet relatable goal is by Rafa Magtoto. Relating to the previous answer, another key to a healthy life is a sufficient good night’s sleep. Staying up late or even pulling all-nighters is very common nowadays because of tasks and entertainment. With our bedroom sometimes being our space for school/work and leisure activities, I hope we also use it for its own purpose - resting.
“My first new year's resolution is to take better care of myself and take time to focus on loving myself more.”
This heartfelt resolution is by our anonymous respondent. Nowadays, we are all caught up in giving the demands of the world that we forget ours. We should also give ourselves the same amount of love and care we pour into others. I hope this statement rings a bell to every one of us and encourages us to be kinder to ourselves.
This year started a bit rough for everyone, especially with the new variants and sudden lockdowns. We’ve gone from slowly becoming normal to having a 2-week health break. People left and right were getting sick. It’s been very difficult, and it filled us with uncertainties.
Even with all the chaos ongoing in our lives, we should learn to settle down and start the year improving our relationship with God. It could be a way for us to refreshen and see this new year positively.
Having our own faith goals are somewhat different from a resolution. New year’s resolutions are achieved by our own strength and merit, while faith goals are achieved through faith itself. Especially at a time like this, we need our faith to stay strong. It’s quite easy to have our faith shaken at challenging times.
Creating our own faith goals at times may seem confusing. We should remember to not be too hard on ourselves. What’s most important is to pray for guidance and enlightenment; Pray that He will lead you to see what His plans are for you. We should take our time with it and evaluate our year.
To help you out, here are some faith goals provided by some students to help you get inspired.

“My faith goal this year is to learn to trust God more and to be patient with his ways.” ---Anonymous
“Mainly my faith goal is to stick to reading the bible once a week and having daily reflections on the scripture or reading that I read. Also, I hope to be as involved in the church like how I was in the previous years.” ----Kate Talban
“To become closer with God and know Him more, through reading His Word and praying daily.” --- Joshua Habos
“My faith goal is to have a closer relationship with God. By that, I will have a stronger will to improve myself everyday with His guidance (all-year-round) without the dependency to wait for 12:00am of January 1st to hit just to make or plan better changes.” -----Anonymous
“New Year's Resolutions and Faith Goal represent pillars in my life because they set a goal in life, a goal that everyone may strive for, and may give a purpose to those looking for one. They are important because completing them not only gives happiness, but also helps you grow physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.” --- Ethan Camince
“My New Year's resolutions and faith goals are important to me because it acts as a motivation that there's always something to believe in or be hopeful for this year despite the circumstances happening around us.” --- Anonymous
“Resolutions and goals that I have mentioned sets the tone or sets my mindset going into the year. As someone who would do anything I aim to achieve, it is important that I have a list of my goals written down.” --- Mary Kate Talban
This year stays uncertain. We may not know what is going to happen tomorrow, but what’s important is today. Whether or not you’ve created or started New Year’s resolutions or Faith Goals, being the best that you can be is important. It’s easy to put it off everyday, but the way to accomplish these goals is to start now - not later, next week, or even next year, but NOW.