We are commemorating the 1st year of our strong relationship this March. However it was not with a person, it was with our beloved Pandemic.

On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization declared the COVID-19 outbreak as a global pandemic. It threw the world in chaos as people and governments were not ready for an occurrence like this. Some countries knew the severity of the virus and addressed it by enforcing a lockdown early, while others still devised countermeasures. Schools, malls, transportation systems (anything systems that were used to go outside) were suspended for an unknown length of time. Many thought that the pandemic would only have its reign for a few months but the more they observed it, the more they knew it was going to be for the long run.
It’s not only our social lives that were affected but our work and school life as well. As most of you know, all workplaces and schools have transferred to online platforms to continue operations. We were forced to adjust our learning and working via platforms such as zoom and google applications. At first, we had difficulty understanding the mechanics of those programs, but after a while, the process became more seamless. After some time, restrictions for going outside eased up more. Malls started opening. Social areas like bars and cinemas started serving customers again but with a new protocol. Things slowly became like how it used to be. Sadly during this time, the cases for infectees did not improve and at certain times, it got even worse. With this information in hand, the likelihood of things going back to how our daily loves were before seem slim. The only way we get through this is by getting used to protocols and guidelines being constructed by the government and staying safe.
It has officially been one year since the pandemic’s effects have drastically changed our lives. Many safety precautions that seemed excessive are now considered common practice. The term that was coined, new normal, is no longer applicable. With the extensive amount of time that we’ve been doing these practices, I believe it’s to the point we can start calling it “normal.”